Storyline: Twelve (2010) On the Upper East Side, White Mike, once a wealthy, carefree teenager, now struggles to scrape out a living as a pot dealer; he deals to his former classmates. His mother died a year prior, her treatment consuming his family's wealth and leaving Mike emotionally scarred. Mike's good friend, Molly, does not know he is a drug dealer. Mike's supplier, Lionel, also deals with addictive drug cocktail "Twelve" to Mike's cousin, Charlie. Charlie attempts to mug Lionel, since he is unable to pay for the drug. Lionel shoots Charlie and shoots an innocent observer, Nana. Mike and Charlie's good friend, Hunter, is taken into custody for the murders.Several other young residents of this wealthy Manhattan scene are introduced at a party as customers of White Mike, including Tobias, Yvette, Sara Jessica and the party's host, Chris. Jessica tries Twelve for the first time, leading to an addiction. During the party, Chris' older brother, Claude, a sociopath and weapon collector, returns home after breaking out of rehab. Their mother discovers this and threatens to call the police. Sara manipulates Chris into throwing a huge birthday party for her, just before the end of spring break. She and her friends invite everyone they know in order to make Sara's birthday "famous"...
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