Storyline: To Milo tou Satana (1979) After spending a passionate evening with Alex, a talented but impecunious young painter, Laura Ashter, a devilishly beautiful heiress, returns to her lavish villa, only to have an unexpected encounter with the police and Inspector Zarras. Now, with her precious collection of jewellery stolen, and her loyal housekeeper brutally murdered, shocked Laura must cooperate with Zarras, who is bent on getting to the bottom of this intricate mystery. As the inquisitive detective scrutinises her intimate love life with both men and women, more and more, it becomes clear that there's more to cryptic Laura than meets the eye. Who was behind the horrible homicide? Can Zarras shed light on Laura's intimate relations?
Admissions Granted (2024) HD - N/A | |
Australia The Wild Continen HD - N/A | |
Bad River (2024) HD - N/A | |
Ice Maiden (2024) HD - 9.3 | |
Vindication Swim (2024) HD - 6.5 | |
The Turning Point XCLD The HD - N/A | |
The Turning Point Battlegro HD - N/A | |
Surrounded by Spirits (2024 HD - 3.9 | |
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KSI The Pauls Primed for Su HD - N/A | |
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Becky (2024) HD - 4.4 | |
The Bad Shepherd (2024) HD - 4.6 |