Storyline: The Film Crew: Wild Women of Wongo (2007) As Mike, Kevin and Bill of the lowly Film Crew suffer from near-frostbite from an overactive air conditioner, Bob Honcho calls from a Caribbean island to order the boys to provide a commentary track for The Wild Women of Wongo (1958), a bizarre adventure film set in prehistoric times and narrated by Mother Nature, who informs the viewer that she once ill-advisedly put all the beautiful women and ugly men on one island and all the ugly women and handsome men on another. Silly Mother Nature! She also provided this tropical setting with near-nude women with a tendency to cat-fight, be-diapered men who seem to have been recruited from Gold's Gym, and a ubiquitous parrot who is present everywhere on every island, making unintelligible wisecracks. During their lunch break, Kevin annoys his co-workers with a map of fictional locations. After the movie, Bill shows off his machine that scientifically judges one's attractiveness and chooses his ideal mate.
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