Storyline: Four college students, returning from spring break, crash their car in an isolated New England countryside. Stranded in middle of nowhere, they seek help in Emeryville an old, dilapidated western village, off the map. A seemingly wellmannered village caretaker extends an offer of a place to stay the night until a mechanic can arrive the following morning. With nightfall quickly approaching, the group isnt left with a choice. As time passes, the new comers discover that Emeryville was once a ground for secret clinical experiments gone awry. It slowly becomes clear that the residents are far from normal and that their society abides by a set of rules. And one such rule is, We keep the ones we need. Trapped in remote village miles from civilization & fearing for their lives, the group plots an escape. When the villagers realize that their escape could threaten Emeryvilles very existence, the group finds themselves hunted by a strange breed of crazies
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