Storyline: The Card Player (2004) In Rome, after the abduction of a British tourist, the police inspector Anna Mari is contacted by the criminal, who self-entitles The Card Player, challenging the police department to dispute a video poker with him where the prize would be the life of the victim. The Chief of Police refuses to participate and the victim is tortured and killed in front of an Internet web cam. The British detective John Brennan is assigned to investigate the case and when another woman is kidnapped, they invite the addicted player Remo to play for the police. Anna and John lead the investigation trying to disclose who might be the serial-killer.
Admissions Granted (2024) HD - N/A | |
Australia The Wild Continen HD - N/A | |
Bad River (2024) HD - N/A | |
Ice Maiden (2024) HD - 9.3 | |
Vindication Swim (2024) HD - 6.5 | |
The Turning Point XCLD The HD - N/A | |
The Turning Point Battlegro HD - N/A | |
Surrounded by Spirits (2024 HD - 3.9 | |
Laugh Proud (2024) HD - N/A | |
KSI The Pauls Primed for Su HD - N/A | |
Husband, Father, Killer The HD - N/A | |
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Behind the Scenes Magic Bea HD - N/A | |
Becky (2024) HD - 4.4 | |
The Bad Shepherd (2024) HD - 4.6 |