Storyline: The Breakfast Club (1985) On a Saturday in 1984, five high school students report for all-day detention. Each comes from a different clique: pampered Claire Standish, state champion wrestler Andrew Clark, geek Brian Johnson, outcast Allison Reynolds, and delinquent John Bender. They gather in the school library, where assistant principal Richard Vernon instructs them not to speak, leave their seats, or sleep until they are released at 3:00 p.m. He assigns them a thousand-word essay, in which each must describe "who you think you are". He leaves, returning only occasionally to check on them.John, who has an antagonistic relationship with Vernon, ignores the rules and riles up the other students, teasing Brian and Andrew and harassing Claire. Vernon gives John several weekends' worth of additional detention and eventually locks him in a storage closet, but he escapes and returns to the library....
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