Storyline: Rags 2012 Rags follows the story of protagonist Charlie Prince (Max Schneider), who lives with his selfish, abusive stepfather, Arthur (Robert Moloney), and two stepbrothers: spoiled Andrew (Keenan Tracey), and nicer Lloyd (Burkely Duffield). The story also follows Kadee Worth (Keke Palmer), a pop music superstar with an overprotective music mogul father, Reginald Worth (Isaiah Mustafa), and his personal assistant, Erma (Devon Weigel). The film begins with Shawn's (Drake Bell) narration that leads into the opening scene, depicting Charlie performing in the streets of New York City with several dancers in an attempt to earn money. After a truck splashes a puddle on Charlie's audience, causing them to disperse, Shawn appears on the scene and is revealed to have been a member of Charlie's audience during the performance of his original song entitled, Someday. The scene then cuts to Kadee filming the music video for her new song, "Love You, Hate You" and it is revealed that Kadee is secretly frustrated with singing songs that are unoriginal to her, and that other people have written for her. She wishes to perform her own music...
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