Storyline: Based on the life of Rich Mullins, a musical prodigy who rose to Christian music fame and fortune only to walk away and live on a Navajo reservation. An artistic genius, raised on a tree farm in Indiana by a callous father, Rich wrestled all of his life with the brokenness and crippling insecurity born of his childhood. A lover of Jesus and a rebel in the church, Rich refused to let his struggles with his own darkness tear him away from a God he was determined to love. As he struggled with success in Nashville and depression in Wichita, Rich desired most of all to live a life of honest and reckless faith amidst a culture of religion and conformity.
Jo Koy Live from Brooklyn ( HD - 6.6 | |
Christmas with Andrea Bocel HD - N/A | |
Narrowcaster (2018) HD - N/A | |
A Real Pain (2024) HD - 7.6 | |
The Count of Monte Cristo ( HD - 7.7 | |
A Second Chance (2001) SD - 6.2 | |
Studs (2006) HD - 5.5 | |
Snow Animals (2019) HD - 7.6 | |
Sex Changes That Made Histo HD - N/A | |
Punk Rock Vegan Movie (2023 HD - 7.3 | |
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Frankenstein and the Vampyr HD - 7.0 | |
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AEW Worlds End (2024) HD - N/A |