Storyline: New York, I Love You 2008 Eleven vignettes, all homages to New York City life, are presented I Ben Hayden Christensen, a pickpocket, is attracted to Molly Rachel Bilson at first sight, and gets into an interesting pissing match with Mollys married lover, New York University professor Garry Andy Garcia II Mansuhkhbai Irrfan Khan, an orthodox Jain diamond wholesaler, and Rifka Natalie Portman, an orthodox Jewish diamond retailer who is getting married tomorrow, learn that they have more in common than just diamonds III David Orlando Bloom, a musician and music editor for a video being directed by Abarra, is having problems meeting Abarras demands while he slowly falls for Abarras assistant, Camille Christina Ricci, who hes never met, but has only talked to on the telephone solely about work IV A young man believes hes made a powerful connection to a stranger, a young woman, in the simple act of lighting her cigarette, and proceeds to convince her of the same and as such that there is a future for them from that point on, and not at some unspecified time down the road V A high school senior, who has been dumped by his girlfriend just before senior prom, is given a gift by his local pharmacist, Mr Riccoli James Caan, the senior not understanding the full implication of the gift until the full process of prom night is over VI Each on their way to their first official date together after what started out solely as a one night stand, Gus Bradley Cooper and Lydia Drea de Matteo each contemplate not keeping the date VII Isabelle Julie Christie, a retired opera diva, has returned to a hotel where shes stayed many times and where she has strong memories of encounters with a young bellhop VIII Brown skinned Dante Carlos Acosta and white skinned young adolescent Teya Taylor Geare spend time together in a park, most outsiders see a manny and his charge, not realizing the true nature of Dante and Teyas relationship IX In questioning why one of her elderly Eastern European customers chose her as the wanted subject for his next painting, a young Chinese herbalist may be inspired to create some art of her own X Anna Robin Wright, who meets Alex Chris Cooper by chance on the street each going about their individual business, asks him a question, she having an ulterior motive while expecting a totally different reaction from him contrary to her motive maybe XI Abe Eli Wallach and Mitzie Cloris Leachman are spending their 63rd Wedding Anniversary together, not always harmoniously Interspersed between these eleven vignettes are even shorter ones, often tying together to another or to one of the eleven primary ones in some manner
The Year Dolly Parton Was M HD - 6.2 | |
The Last Match (2013) HD - 6.7 | |
Sal (2011) HD - 4.6 | |
Holy Man The USA vs Douglas HD - 7.5 | |
Fort McCoy (2011) HD - 5.9 | |
Doc Holliday (2023) HD - 3.6 | |
Descent Into Hell (1986) HD - 5.4 | |
Missing from Fire Trail Roa HD - N/A | |
My Hero Academia Youre Next HD - 7.0 | |
Night Talkers (2024) HD - 4.8 | |
Harta Tahta Raisa (2024) HD - N/A | |
Hagen (2024) HD - 6.5 | |
11 Rebels (2024) HD - N/A | |
The BRIT Awards (2025) HD - N/A | |
Mother Mafia (2024) HD - N/A |