Storyline: Live! (2007) In a world where reality and entertainment are continuously colliding, Academy Award winning documentary filmmaker Bill Guttentag's feature debut Live! follows ABN network president Katy Courbet and up-and-coming documentary filmmaker Rex as inspiration strikes to create the most daring reality program ever. The show is Russian Roulette, network style, with contestants competing for five million dollars on-air, complete with loaded guns. As seen through the lens of a documentary film crew, Live! examines the competitive and often gut-wrenching world of television production, where everyone from the crew to the contestants to the network brass becomes engulfed in a ratings battle to the top-a battle where questions of morality, ethics and sheer will lead to a darkly humorous and unforgettable outcome.
Admissions Granted (2024) HD - N/A | |
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Ice Maiden (2024) HD - 9.3 | |
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The Turning Point XCLD The HD - N/A | |
The Turning Point Battlegro HD - N/A | |
Surrounded by Spirits (2024 HD - 3.9 | |
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