Storyline: Liberty Kid (2007) In Ilya Chaikin's LIBERTY KID, childhood friends Derrick (Al Thompson) and Tico (Kareem Saviñon) occupy a high school dropout limbo operating a concession stand at the foot of the Statue of Liberty. Tico's ambitions reach no further than collecting the next paycheck or pretty girl's phone number, while Derrick has his eyes on a different prize. But when the World Trade Center terrorist attack plunges their lives, their community, and their country into chaos, Derrick's vision of a college-educated future goes up in smoke in the first of many incidences of personal collateral damage both he and Tico must endure.
Jo Koy Live from Brooklyn ( HD - 6.6 | |
Christmas with Andrea Bocel HD - N/A | |
Narrowcaster (2018) HD - N/A | |
A Real Pain (2024) HD - 7.6 | |
The Count of Monte Cristo ( HD - 7.7 | |
A Second Chance (2001) SD - 6.2 | |
Studs (2006) HD - 5.5 | |
Snow Animals (2019) HD - 7.6 | |
Sex Changes That Made Histo HD - N/A | |
Punk Rock Vegan Movie (2023 HD - 7.3 | |
Lucy Worsleys Christmas Car HD - 7.7 | |
Gloomy Sunday (1999) HD - 7.8 | |
Frankenstein and the Vampyr HD - 7.0 | |
Billion Pound Bond Street ( HD - N/A | |
AEW Worlds End (2024) HD - N/A |