Storyline: Funky Monkey (2004) This amusing, darkly comic tale follows CIA agent Jack McCall and a chimpanzee that he attempts to liberate from a testing lab. Named Clemens, the chimp has been trained in martial arts combat, as part of a program designed to turn the creatures into fearsome fighting machines. Naturally this leads to plenty of slapstick moments between Modine and the chimp, especially when they seek refuge in the home of a boy and his mother as the owners of the lab hotfoot it after the escaped primate.
Jo Koy Live from Brooklyn ( HD - 6.6 | |
Christmas with Andrea Bocel HD - N/A | |
Narrowcaster (2018) HD - N/A | |
A Real Pain (2024) HD - 7.6 | |
The Count of Monte Cristo ( HD - 7.7 | |
A Second Chance (2001) SD - 6.2 | |
Studs (2006) HD - 5.5 | |
Snow Animals (2019) HD - 7.6 | |
Sex Changes That Made Histo HD - N/A | |
Punk Rock Vegan Movie (2023 HD - 7.3 | |
Lucy Worsleys Christmas Car HD - 7.7 | |
Gloomy Sunday (1999) HD - 7.8 | |
Frankenstein and the Vampyr HD - 7.0 | |
Billion Pound Bond Street ( HD - N/A | |
AEW Worlds End (2024) HD - N/A |