Storyline: Canary 2004 Based on the true events of the deadly gas attacks perpetrated by members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult on the Tokyo subway system, CANARY tells the moving story of two children, each abandoned by their families, who come together in the wake of the scarring event Twelve year old Koichi has grown up within the confines of a religious cult whose violently instilled dogma has all but destroyed his sense of identity After a murderous attack, the cult disbands and Koichi finds himself abandoned by his mother and forcibly separated from his sister To reunite his broken family, Koichi breaks out of the child welfare system and sets off to Tokyo While on the run, he meets Yuki, a girl desperate to flee from her abusive father Koichi and Yuki travel together in search of his sister, facing the inevitable troubles of children making their way in the world without the guidance or protection of adults The separate scars of their pasts cause friction between the two, but their struggles develop a familial bond that allows them to confront both their pasts and the future ahead Beautiful and poignant, Akihiko Shiotas film illustrates the resiliency of forgotten youth in forging their own destiny from a tragic past For more information, please visit www canarythemovie com
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