Storyline: Broken follows the story of a young Parisian woman - Evie, who absconds to England to make a fresh start after surviving a harrowing upbringing. Evie takes a job as an agency carer and is quickly placed with a tetraplegic patient John. The burden of the job stirs up Evie's past and exhaustion sets in, it seems that the limits of caring are not always as clear as they should be. Forced to go above and beyond the call of duty, tormented by guilt and shame, Evie questions her own morals as past & present actions merge into the terrifying circumstances that unfold. It's only a matter of time before someone SNAPS!
Jo Koy Live from Brooklyn ( HD - 6.6 | |
Christmas with Andrea Bocel HD - N/A | |
Narrowcaster (2018) HD - N/A | |
A Real Pain (2024) HD - 7.6 | |
The Count of Monte Cristo ( HD - 7.7 | |
A Second Chance (2001) SD - 6.2 | |
Studs (2006) HD - 5.5 | |
Snow Animals (2019) HD - 7.6 | |
Sex Changes That Made Histo HD - N/A | |
Punk Rock Vegan Movie (2023 HD - 7.3 | |
Lucy Worsleys Christmas Car HD - 7.7 | |
Gloomy Sunday (1999) HD - 7.8 | |
Frankenstein and the Vampyr HD - 7.0 | |
Billion Pound Bond Street ( HD - N/A | |
AEW Worlds End (2024) HD - N/A |