Storyline: A Wrinkle in Time (2018) Thirteen-year-old middle school student Meg Murry struggles to adjust to both her school and home life ever since her father Alex, a well-renowned scientist, mysteriously disappeared (while he was studying astrophysics) when she was very young. Both Meg and her mother Kate believe he solved the question of humanity's existence and theorized that he was teleported to another world.During the night, Meg's younger brother Charles Wallace welcomes Mrs. Whatsit, a red-haired stranger in an extravagant white dress, into the Murry family house. Mrs. Whatsit claims that the tesseract, a type of space-travel Alex was working on, is real, and leaves soon after. The next day, one of Meg's classmates, Calvin O'Keefe, joins them to go to the house of Mrs. Who, another strange woman who speaks only in quotations and seems to know Charles Wallace.When Calvin joins Meg and Charles Wallace in their backyard, Mrs. Whatsit appears with Mrs. Who and another woman, Mrs. Which, who is the oldest and appears as a giant. The three reveal themselves as astral travelers, and lead Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace through a tesseract taking them to a distant planet named Uriel....
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