Storyline: A Cross to Bear (2012) A Cross to Bear tells the unflinching and inspiring story of Erica, a would-be dancer with no family connections who finds herself fighting alcoholism and living on the streets with her newborn child after being left by her boyfriend. One ill-fated night, a tragic event shatters Erica's life. Traumatized and at rock bottom, she finds refuge at the home of Joan - a former nurse who has dedicated her life to helping women like Erica, Tina and Fae. Erica struggles to forge a new path for herself. As the cause of her personal hell is revealed, slowly, with the help of Joan's unique brand of tough love, the friendship of Tina, a former crack baby, and the guidance of other women who have found new beginnings at Joan's House, Erica finds the will to live and learns the redemptive power of forgiveness.
Admissions Granted (2024) HD - N/A | |
Australia The Wild Continen HD - N/A | |
Bad River (2024) HD - N/A | |
Ice Maiden (2024) HD - 9.3 | |
Vindication Swim (2024) HD - 6.5 | |
The Turning Point XCLD The HD - N/A | |
The Turning Point Battlegro HD - N/A | |
Surrounded by Spirits (2024 HD - 3.9 | |
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The Bad Shepherd (2024) HD - 4.6 |