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An Extremely Goofy M

An Extremely Goofy Movie (2000)

IMDb: 6.4

Max goes to college, but to his embarassment his father loses his job and goes to his sons campus

Loonatics Unleashed

Loonatics Unleashed (2005-2007)

Loonatics Unleashed (2005-2007)

IMDb: 5.6

The futuristic descendants of the Looney Tunes characters become superheroes when the aftershock of an alien meteor grants them each with strange new powers

Extreme Ghostbusters

Extreme Ghostbusters (1997)

Extreme Ghostbusters (1997)

IMDb: 6.9

A Goofy Movie (1995)

A Goofy Movie (1995)

IMDb: 6.8

When Max makes a preposterous promise to a girl he has a crush on, his chances to fulfilling it seem hopeless when he is dragged onto a cross country trip with his embarrassing father, Goofy

Static Shock (200020

Static Shock (20002004)

Static Shock (20002004)

IMDb: 7.3

In the city of Dakota, a teenage boy with electricity based powers, with the help of his inventive friend, fights crime as a superhero

A Goofy Movie (1995)

A Goofy Movie (1995)

IMDb: 6.8

When Max makes a preposterous promise to a girl he has a crush on, his chances to fulfilling it seem hopeless when he is dragged onto a cross country trip with his embarrassing father, Goofy

Batman: Gotham Knigh

Batman: Gotham Knight (2008)

IMDb: 6.8

A collection of key events mark Bruce Waynes life as he journeys from beginner to Dark Knight

G I Joe Renegades (2

G I Joe Renegades (2010-2011)

G I Joe Renegades (2010-2011)

IMDb: 7.1

This animated series shows the Joes on the run from the Government, trying to clear their names and stop their evil nemesis, Cobra

Return to the Batcav

Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures

IMDb: 6.7

When the Batmobile is stolen, Adam West and Burt Ward search for it while remembering their days as the stars of the Batman live action series

Onyx the Fortuitous

Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of

IMDb: 7.1

Fledgling occultist Onyx and a group of worshipers attend a once in a lifetime ritual at their idol BARTOK THE GREATS mansion