Search Results For : vincent lambe

Horror (2003)

Horror (2003)

IMDb: 3.4

This visually arresting chiller concerns a group of runaway teens that escape from a drug rehab and encounter demonic forces in a rural farmhouse

KillJoy (2024)

KillJoy (2024)


Kathryn Joy was 3 months old when their father killed their mother He served just 22 months and by age four, Kathryn was back living with him in the house he killed their mother in, with little knowledge of what happened

Detainment (2018)

Detainment (2018)

IMDb: 7.1

Two ten year old boys are detained by police under suspicion of abducting and murdering a toddler A true story based on interview transcripts and records from the James Bulger case, which shocked the world in 1993