Search Results For : peter watkins

The War Game (1966)

The War Game (1966)

IMDb: 8.0

A docudrama depicting a hypothetical nuclear attack on Britain

Culloden (1964)

Culloden (1964)

IMDb: 7.8

The 1746 Battle of Culloden, the last land battle fought in the British Isles and the battle that ensured that Scotland was controlled by England

Privilege (1967)

Privilege (1967)

IMDb: 7.0

Britains biggest pop singer, Steven Shorter Paul Jones, receives unwavering adulation and possesses total control over his rabid fans, which includes nearly the entire population Yet Shorter is not an autonomous performer h

Punishment Park (197

Punishment Park (1971)

IMDb: 7.9

Punishment Park is a pseudo documentary purporting to be a film crewss news coverage of the team of soldiers escorting a group of hippies, draft dodgers, and anti establishment types across the desert in a type of capture the f